About Trust in Truth Ministries
Who am I?
I’m brother Daniel, and I’ve been a born again believer and follower of Jesus Christ for 6 years, and serving God through the deliverance ministry for 5 years.
I first began to seek God in 2016, it was out of desperation and desire to being healed of multiple chronic infirmities which were going on for over 8 years straight at the time; I was suffering with chronic abdominal pains, which were a result of dealing with the after-effects of a gall bladder removal and pancreatitis. I went to just about every doctor I could find, and had multiple procedures to no avail. Furthermore, to deal with the physical pains I was being prescribed painkiller medication and soon after became dependent and addicted to them.
Before I completely surrendered my life to Jesus Christ, I tried seeking help through different deliverance ministers, while holding on to some of my sins at the time; the drug addiction to the pharmaceuticals I was being prescribed, and playing demonic video games. Moreover, I did not really want to be a servant of God’s Kingdom, although I was repenting from everything else, and thought I was justified in taking the drugs I was on, and didn’t perceive that playing demonic video games was an open door of it’s own.
I was not able to receive much deliverance initially, because of those open doors, but once I had addressed them and fully surrendered to the Lord, the intent of my heart had changed from reducing my dependency upon the false comforts of this world, to fully giving them up in favor of seeking my comfort and healing and deliverance from the Lord entirely, and I finally began to receive the breakthrough I was looking for. (James 4:7, Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.)
Seven months later I was fully clean of opiates and many other pharmaceuticals I was using on a daily basis for many years, and once I was off those medications and addressed the open doors I had in my life, I was finally able to hear the Holy Spirit better, and receive and address more convictions and corrections through the Spirit of God as I continued to work out my salvation with fear and trembling. (Philipians 2:12, Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.)
As I began to receive deliverance and healing for my own issues, I quickly began to understand that I was able to partake in the benefits of praying deliverance and healing for other brothers and sisters. The more I’d pray for others selflessly to be set free of their demons, the more rapidly I began to receive freedom also at the same time. (James 1:22, But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.)
It is written that the truth shall set us free, and in order for that to happen, we must be willing and able, to receive that truth so it may change us.
God bless you all & your families in the mighty name of Jesus!
To set the captives free in the mighty name of Jesus!
To be doers of the word of God, and not hearers only.
- Repentance
- Obedience to the Word
- Righteousness in Christ